Monday, September 8, 2008

A drive to heaven

It was 12 in the night , I had nothing to do. I got a call from my colleague working up above at Heaven Inc. His job was a human stock broker. The human stock market was at a surge with the growing number of storms and hurricanes in the United States. He told me to put his street address as 13 Body Street.Heaven.As soon as I entered the address in my Garmin GPS.The lady told me to drive 1000 miles up above. The time for arrival was 13:00 EST. I started on my journey as usual with a drive thru from nearby Dunkin Donuts. A large hot choclate was all I needed to get myself to drive the 1000 miles up above. 

I took the road straight ahead which brought me to a T-junction. The sign on the road had the left to the hell and the right to the heaven. I took the right. The road curved ahead with a steep gradient. After a mile drive, I looked down to see the world beneath me. There were people hustling and bustling as if insects crawling for food. But it was all in a disorder, the uniform roads looked confused and so did the faces of people travelling in the cars beneath. The BMW's , Merc's and Nissan's all looked the same and so did the people. I could see the Boston Skyline as well as the Du Bois tower at Amherst. As I drove up the picture got clearer, I could see the whole United States. The south the north the east and the west. All seemed to look like the American flag.But the flag did not seem as good 

As I continued I saw other countries too. Everything was the same just that I was heading east and could feel the weather changing. I then came across Europe. All the countries were clearly visible with a clear demarcation with their respective flags. It seemed strange with a different view of the world, a view I could never imagine existed ever. But how come those flags? It felt as if I was dreaming. The road was completely deserted. I parked the car on the emergency ramp and put on the hazard lights. I drank some water and noticed a man driving a pickup truck towards me. He asked me if everything was ok. I answered that I was tired and wanted some rest. He introduced himself as Sam. A local sheriff who was on duty. Sam had no police car, he had no uniform and surprisingly , he had no communication system and Colt pistol. He said he did not need them as heaven was pretty safe with occasional human disturbances. He grimly said
"Its not as bad as its down there!!". I did not realize how bad it was down there from where I came until he took me to the corner of the ramp and told me to look down.

"Get up Andy..Get up !!". The guy sprinkled some liquid which had a healing touch to it. I asked him what spray was that. "We don't need those, water works well here". He later told me that the sight beneath was so polluted,dirty and hot that I fainted. He then took me to a water station. Water station , yes you gotcha!! They had water running their cars. I was wondering if I could take those down and get the whole gas debate to a halt.. He said I could not as it would burn as soon as I approached earth. I filled up my tank and headed up. Joe bid me goodbye. I asked for his cell number but he quickly replied "just close your eyes and take my name".I was amazed at his stupid sense of humour. But he was serious, they could talk like that up there. He said its all so clear you dont need RF waves to transmit sound. The air does it for you. I headed up the curve.

After around 400 miles I could see India my country. I thought that was it but it seemed different. The map I saw in my 7th standard geography books wasnt there and neither was the flag visible. I could not see ground beneath all I could see was hazy and small people gradually moving. There were occasional sounds of small explosions as if something had burnt with a more than normal flame. I continued my journey ahead till I saw the northeast. Thas where the picture changed and I recognized it indeed was India. I could see the Himalayas. I could see the Indian flag also. I then crossed Japan and then came back to the west coast and suddenly I realized that the GPS had lost the satellite reception. 

I was lost, I guess. Or had I missed some turn? But I was sure there were no turns. I continued on the downhill road waiting for the satellites to guide me to heaven but alas had I known they would fail to do that.I was on a road to nowhere. Lost and exhausted after seeing such scenes of human disgust on the planet earth.Suddenly I could see the car dropping to a gradient down below to what seemed the Chicago skyline. The satellites suddenly sprung back and I could see the destination in other 0.4 miles. The street had come and it read " 13 Peabody Street. Haven.Illinois"

I was greeted by my friend at the entrance door. He explained me how his company Heaven Inc did the stock brokerage business with the "human touch". Thas where the human stock market came from. "What a way to market " , I grinned inside. 

I was lost in this incredible journey as my friend gave me the presentation for a new market strategy which could change the face of the earth. But deep inside, I asked myself. "Could he?"

Dedicated to all those who love thy Earth